Can Child Support be Garnished?

Can Child Support be Garnished?

When you owe child support, it’s important to keep up with payments because it is your financial obligation to your child. Child support is the money the non-custodial parent pays to the custodial parent to help with the cost of raising the children they share. The...
What is a Family Law Attorney?

What is a Family Law Attorney?

There are different types of attorneys to help people with a variety of problems. When you think you need the help of an attorney, it’s important to know if you’re choosing the right one. In the area of family law, there are several different issues that family law...
Divorce During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Divorce During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The pandemic has been hard on millions of couples across the nation. Even families who often enjoy spending quality time together are feeling the strain. Extroverts are feeling isolated and alone. Introverts find that their sanctuary has been overrun by their partner...