by Ilarraza Law | May 15, 2020 | Family Law
With the outbreak of Covid-19 cities around the world have gone into lock down. The CDC and World Health Organization have released guidelines for how people can help slow the spread of the virus. These recommendations include frequent hand washing, use of hand...
by Ilarraza Law | May 8, 2020 | Divorce
Two of the biggest things on any divorcing couple’s mind are alimony and spousal support. Many people and even lawyers use these terms interchangeably. However, under Texas law they have a slightly different meaning. If you are facing divorce it is important to...
by Ilarraza Law | Apr 29, 2020 | Child Custody
When you get a divorce, many things that need to be ironed out. Child support is one of those things. While determining child support may part of your divorce agreement, you may need to change that amount down the road. However, before child support modification gets...
by Ilarraza Law | Apr 23, 2020 | Family Law
When you have family issues that can’t be resolved on your own, you may need the help of a family law attorney. There are several issues where you want the help of a family lawyer rather than another type of lawyer. It’s important to know what those areas are how to...
by Ilarraza Law | Apr 17, 2020 | Divorce
If you’ve never been through a divorce, seeing a lawyer might feel a little intimidating. When you sit down with your lawyer, you may be unsure of how to go about it. Are you covering everything that needs to be covered? Lawyers cost money — you want to make the...