Dealing with family-related issues can be difficult. When you can’t resolve things on your own or just want the help of an experienced third-party, a family lawyer may be able to help you sort things out and get back on track. Since everyone’s situation and issues are different, there are many reasons why you may want to seek the help of a family lawyer. Let’s take a look at several ways a family lawyer can help you.
A Family Lawyer Can Help with Divorce
Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process. Having the help of a family lawyer can help you make sure that you have protection for your rights. Some people see a family lawyer for a consultation before filing for a divorce or when they need to hire a lawyer to represent them in divorce proceedings. Whichever the case, having a non-partial third party to explain things to you is always a good idea.
A Family Attorney Can Help with Child Support
A family lawyer can assist you in knowing what you’re entitled to for child support and making sure that you receive it. While a court will issue a ruling as to the amount of child support, that amount may change if a parent experiences a major change in their financial situation. This part can become difficult. Having a family lawyer who knows the proper legal channels to adjust those payments can mean the difference between having enough to support your child and struggling to make it work.
A Family Law Lawyer Can Help with Child Custody and Visitation
When you’re going through a divorce, one of the most difficult things can be deciding on child custody and a visitation schedule. Many times parents can’t agree, putting the child in the middle. A family lawyer can help to avoid this from happening by working to set a schedule that works for both parents while putting the child’s best interest first.
A Family Lawyer Can Help with Alimony
One of the other issues with divorce can involve alimony. Alimony payments assure that you can live as comfortably divorced as you did when you were married. This can become a sticking point in divorce proceedings. An experienced family lawyer can advise you as to the amount you should be receiving in order to maintain a certain standard of living. Trying to negotiate this without the help of a lawyer may not get you everything that you’re entitled to. That’s why many people seek the help of a family lawyer before agreeing on an alimony amount.
A Family Law Attorney Can Help with Adoption
Adoption can give a child a loving home and let people become parents who may not have been able to otherwise. For an adoption to happen, many legal steps need to be taken, many of which can become confusing. A family lawyer can help with all of these, including educating you about the various types of adoption. These include:
- Domestic Infant Adoption
In this type of adoption, the birth mother selects the adoptive parents where her child will be placed.
- Foster Care Adoption
Children who are in foster care because their parents’ rights were terminated are often placed into the foster care system. Foster parents or adoptive parents may adopt children who are in foster care.
- International Adoption
Many children from other countries are usually placed in orphanages because their birth parents abandoned them or gave them up for another reason. These adoptions can be more complex because they involve laws from other countries.
Besides deciding where you want to adopt a child, you must also decide if you want to seek an open or closed adoption. If you decide on an open adoption, you will stay in contact with the birth mother. In a closed adoption, once the baby is born and placed with an adoptive family, contact typically ends.
Seeing that there is so much that is involved with an adoption, it’s usually best to seek the help of a family lawyer.
A Family Lawyer Can Help with Pre and Postnuptial Agreements
When people hear the terms prenuptial and postnuptial agreements they may assume that they are only for the rich and famous. The truth is that many everyday people draft these documents to protect their assets. Pre and postnuptial agreements are basically the same thing, the only difference being that one is drafted before the wedding and the other is done after the wedding.
Some of the reasons why people look to have these agreements include helping to decide:
- How assets will be divided in the event of divorce
- How finances and assets will be handled during the marriage
- Spousal support
- Business ownership issues that may arise
- Future of your estate if you or your spouse dies
- How gifts, trusts, and inheritances will be handled
- Benefits, disability, and insurance coverage
When there are children from other marriages or relationships, some people seek a pre or post nuptial agreement to make sure that their property or other assets go directly to their children. One of these documents can also protect you against debt if you are marrying someone who has a lot of debt.
If you think that you may need a pre or postnuptial agreement, a family lawyer can help you decide what should be included. You must decide whether you want to draft the document before or after the wedding. Some people like to iron out these issues before they say their vows, while others wait until after.
Do You Need the Help of a Family Law Lawyer?
Whether you’re going through a divorce, considering adoption, or need help with a pre or post-nuptial agreement Ilarraza Law can help. We will answer your questions when it comes to family law issues and make sure your rights are upheld. By having us on your side, you can feel confident that you have the legal help that you need.